

Wood Camp Ski/Snowshoe, 7 February 2021

13 participants departed the Smith's parking lot at 10 a.m. with a destination of the Wood Camp Hollow trailhead.  We arrived shortly before 10:30 a.m. to find an empty parking lot and clear blue skies.

With the temperature hovering around 40, the group departed for their journey up to the spring.  10 participants donned snowshoes; 2 rode skis, and 1 decided to try out micro-spikes (trail crampons) on the hard-packed trail.  For the first 1.5 miles, the trail was well-packed and not terribly icy.  The last 0.5 miles to our lunch spot below the spring was still well-traveled, but our 'micro-spike' hiker would occasionally sink into the softer trail.

Although some were eager to try out the new Forest Service trails we had seen under construction during the summer, signage at the new trail crossings indicated that work was still underway and that passage was not advised.  Alas, we would have to until another trip to enjoy these new trails.

We stopped at our lunch spot at mile 1.8 and waited for the group to re-assemble.  We then decided to proceed the final 0.1 miles to the spring with its distinct tufa formations before returning to eat lunch.  Lunch was enjoyed with temperatures in the lower 40s and an occasional brisk southerly breeze.  Snow depths were anywhere from 7 inches near the trees to 24 inches in the open.

During lunch we encountered a lone hiker with their dog returning from farther up the trail.

After lunch we retraced our steps back to the parking lot.  Along the way we encountered 3 additional hikers and 3 snowshoers.  We arrived back at the trailhead at 1:47pm with temperatures still in the low 40s.

Trip Summary:
  • 13 Participants: David and Michelle (leaders), Dave P, Kathy, Dave W, Jane, Teresa, Susan, Deanna, Brent, Lynne, Chris, Ralph
  • Started out from trailhead at 10:30 a.m.
  • Arrived at the spring at 12:00 p.m.
  • Stopped for lunch at 12:15 p.m. with less than 24 inches of snow depth
  • Sunny skies with temperatures in the low 40s and an occasional brisk wind
  • Returned to trailhead about 1:47 p.m.
  • Traveled about 3.8 miles with elevation gain of about 800 feet

Thanks to David for the narrative and photos and Dave W. for photos and GPS data.

Starting out from the Wood Camp Trailhead
New Trail
The Forest Service is building a new trail but it's not yet ready for use
Trail sign
At the sign 1.1 miles from the trailhead, where the trail turns east to cross the streambed
Trail Trail
Heading uphill
At the spring with the tufa rock
Lunch Skier
A sunny spot for lunch Skier
Back at the trail sign
Heading back down the trail
Our GPS track shows about 3.8 miles and 790 feet of ascent and descent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.