

Temple Fork Sawmill, 16 May 2021

Ten hikers gathered on Sunday morning for a spring hike to the historic Temple Fork Sawmill.  We drove 21 miles to the parking area next to the highway (the gate was closed so our hike included a 1.2 mile walk up the road to the trailhead).

Fortunately we left the valley winds behind and started out under mostly sunny skies and calm conditions.  We kept an eye out for the predicted lightening storms, but they didn't arrive until after we had completed our hike.

Much of our route paralleled the stream and provided us with views of beaver ponds, small waterfalls and spring flowers.  We also enjoyed a display of flying skills as two American yellow warblers chased through the trees above the stream.

Editors note:  The Temple Fork riparian area is managed for the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (the State Fish of  Utah), which also benefits the local beaver population

Trip Summary:
  • Participants:  Jane, Dave W., Ralph, Susan, Teresa, Laurel, Christine, Dick, Dave P., and Brent (leader)
  • Drove 21 miles to Temple Fork in Logan Canyon
  • Started hiking about 8:40, lunch at the Temple Fork Sawmill site 11:00 - 11:20, back at the trailhead at 1:40
  • Mostly sunny skies, 50 ºF at the start of our hike and 73 ºF at the end
  • Hiked 7.8 miles with 900 feet of ascent and descent (per Dave W.'s GPS)

Thanks to Brent for the narrative and photos, Dick for photos and Dave W. for photos and GPS data.

Trout sign
There are signs explaining the life cycle of the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, 0.9 miles from our start
After hiking 1.2 miles along the road, we came to the trailhead and a large beaver dam
An old beaver dam, about 3 miles from our start The location of the old sawmill, after 3.8 miles of hiking
Enjoying lunch near the sawmill site
After lunch we went to see the nearby spring
There was a moose skeleton at the spring
Beavers sometimes bite off more than they can handle
Hiking down the trail
A snowy Beirdneau Peak was visible in the distance
We saw at least three rubber boa snakes on this hike, an unusual occurrence
Violet Waterleaf
Goose-foot yellow violet, Viola purpurea Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum capitatum
Spring Beauty Bluebells
Spring beauty, Claytonia lanceolata
Short-style bluebells, Mertensia brevistyla
Back at the trailhead, with another 1.2 miles before the end of our hike
Our GPS track shows 7.8 miles and 900 feet of ascent and descent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.