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Peterson Hollow to Long Hollow, 8 September, 2019

Eight hikers turned out for the Peterson Hollow hike under gray skies:  Dave W., Jane, Dave P., Kathy, Teresa, Deanna, Brent, and Dan (the leader). We dropped a car at the Sink Hollow trailhead then drove back to Franklin Basin parking at Peterson Hollow. We started hiking in the rain about 9:25 a.m. Crossing the Logan River was our first challenge which we met with varying success. Deanna seemed to have the best approach which was to remove the boots altogether.

We gained elevation slogging through the mud and thick forest as a lone cow ran up the trail ahead of us. We found the turn toward Long Hollow (and more cows) without too much trouble, then climbed steeply to the saddle between Peterson Hollow and Long Hollow. Deanna found us a great lunch spot on some rocks with views of Beaver Mt to the south and upper Logan Canyon.

After lunch we continued on the trail east through burned areas and down along the ridge north of Long Hollow. The low hanging clouds gave way to sun helping to cheer us up. At the bottom we came upon the recent clearcuts and a fireline cut through the forest. The drivers went directly to the trailhead and the rest of us took a side trail to the Beaver access road and up to the lodge, waiting for the return of the drivers.

Trip Summary:

  • Drove 29 miles up Logan Canyon to the Sink Hollow Winter Trailhead near Beaver Mountain, left a car there and drove 6 miles to the Peterson Hollow trailhead in Franklin Basin.
  • Started hiking about 9:25 with lunch in Long Hollow about noon
  • Arrived at the trailhead about 2:00, drove to Peterson Hollow to get the other cars, then to Beaver Mtn. about 2:30 to pick up the other hikers
  • Rain during the first part of our hike changing to cloudy skies
  • The GPS track shows 6 miles with about 1300 feet of ascent

Thanks to Dan for the narrative, photos and GPS data and Dave W., Dave P. and Jane for photos

Fording the Logan River
Getting our feet wet as we forded Logan River
Trailhead and sign
The "Peterson Hollow, Trail 135" sign had fallen so we propped it back up
Burned trees Fire map
Burned trees at the edge of a meadow
A fire burned 1242 acres here in 2016
Lunch After lunch
Enjoying lunch under cloudy skies
Hiking back to the trail after lunch

Long Hollow

Beaver Mtn
Looking east, down Long Hollow
Ski runs on Beaver Mountain, south of Long Hollow
Muddy hikers
The aftermath of logging activity in Sink Hollow
Snowberry Asters
Oregon Grape
Oregon Grape


Our GPS track showed 6 miles with 1300 feet of ascent
You can also look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file