

Naomi Peak, 13 August, 2022

The forecast was for a chance of rain all day, but monsoon weather is hard to predict.  Eight hikers decided to gamble on the weather and at least test their rain gear. On the way up Logan Canyon it rained steadily and at Tony Grove Lake we all geared up for rain.  As soon as we hit the trail the rain stopped and soon we were removing all that gear.

Weather for the hike was pleasantly cool and fresh.  The trail was muddy in places but the mud had accumulated in low points that could be avoided by walking along the upper edge of the trail.   The recent rains may have revived the wildflowers, which were abundant.  It was still a climb and one hiker decided to stop about half way and stay in touch by radio, and another stopped below the summit ridge.  The remaining six reached Naomi Peak and had a great view of clouds and distant peaks through the clear air; even the Uinta Range was seen.  As we were eating lunch we could see cumulus congestus clouds at eye level coming our way from the southwest and rain in Cache Valley.  As we left the peak two hikers came up from the south.  They came from Smithfield Canyon and said the route along the south ridge of Naomi was not too bad.

The wind was picking up.  We left the summit ridge and heard thunder behind us.  We rejoined the other two hikers and quickly headed back to the cars. On our way down, the rain started to pour again.  We passed people who were just starting to climb up, probably delayed by the early morning rain.

Don’t let what you see now decide what you plan to do today! It was seriously raining when we met at 8:00 a.m., but as we drove to Tony Grove and started to hike, the weather gradually cleared out. Eventually it turned out to be an awesome day to hike- cloudy, cool and less crowded.

Trip Summary:
  • Eight hikers: Brent L., Brent J., Kathy, Teresa, Laurel, Ralph, and Dave P and Ophelia (co-leaders)
  • Started hiking about 9 am, lunch 11:40 a.m., and completed the hike about 2:30 p.m. 
  • Unsettled weather: rain at first, soon changing to cool and partly cloudy, then rain again
  • Hiked about 6.5 miles with about 2000 feet of ascent

Thanks to Dave P. and Ophelia for the narrative and photos, and Ralph for photos and GPS data.

Rain at the trailhead parking lot

The rain stopped before hiking 1/4 mile, but the hikers were still wearing their rain gear

On the trail to Naomi Peak Wildflowers under a dramatic sky

Colorado columbine
Golden-mantled ground squirrel

The Mount Naomi Wilderness boundary
A trail runs south along the ridge to Naomi Peak

Looking west to Cherry Peak
 Looking northeast to Mt. Gog and Mt. Magog

A wide-angle view looking east from Naomi Peak

 On top of the Bear River Range at an elevation of nearly 10000 feet

Threatening weather closed in while the hikers were still on the peak

Our GPS track shows about 6.5 miles and 2000 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.