

Maple Grove Ski and Soak, 11 February 2024

(Trip narrative in progress)

Trip Summary:
  • Five participants: Dan, Brent L, and Laurel on snowshoes and Dave W and Catherine (leader) on cross-country skis
  • Drove 51 miles to Maple Grove Hot Springs
  • Skied, snowshoed (and booted at times) on the Maple Grove Road, 11:45 - 2:00
  • Enjoyed a pot luck lunch at Maple Grove, then warmed up in the hot pools before leaving about 4:30
  • Mostly cloudy, with calm winds and moderate temperatures
  • Our GPS track showed 2.9 miles with about 600 feet of ascent

Thanks to Dan for photos, and Dave W for photos and GPS data.

On the Maple Grove Road

Oneida Reservoir, as seen from the Maple Grove Road

Variable snow conditions on the Maple Grove Road

Maple Grove Hot Springs, on the shore of Oneida Reservoir

A potluck lunch, with chili, fruit salad, cornbread, chips, sweet potatoes and more
Our lunch spot at Maple Grove Hot Springs

We saw several swans as we drove along the north end of the reservoir

Our GPS track shows about 2.9 miles and 600 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.