

Dry Canyon, 14 March, 2021

Winter was not quite over for 12 Cache Hikers who enjoyed a hike up Logan Dry Canyon on Sunday morning.

We left the trailhead under calm blue skies and pleasant temperatures.  Thanks to a lot of prior foot traffic, the snow was surprisingly firm for temperatures ranging from 39 to 45 degrees.  There was no need for snowshoes but most of us were glad to have our spikes on as lower portions of the trail were somewhat icy.

We enjoyed comfortable temperatures, good company and evidence of wildlife on our final winter season hike.

Trip Summary:
  • Twelve participants:  Laurel, Ophelia, David, Michelle, Jane, Dave W., Kathy, Dave P., Ralph, Susan, Teresa, Brent (leader).  All in boots and spikes.
  • Drove about 4 miles to the Dry Canyon trail.
  • Left the trailhead at 10:25, Lunch from 12:25 to 12:55.  Back to the cars at 2:05.
  • Sunny skies and and warm temperatures, with about 30 inches of snow at our lunch spot.
  • We traveled 4.7 miles with about 1650 feet of ascent and descent.

Thanks to Brent for the narrative, photos and GPS data and Dave W., Dave P., Ophelia and Ralph for photos.

Near the beginning of our hike, after putting trail crampons (AKA "spikes" or "cleats") on our boots
The hike started on a dry trail
Hiking up a snowy trail 3/4 mile from the start
Snow Snow
Hiking up the trail
Only a few tracks on the deeper snow of the upper trail
Enjoying a COVID-safe "socially distanced" lunch
A squirrel's midden
Cone parts from the squirrel midden
The squirrel had been eating Douglas fir cones, like this
A well-fed squirrel
Our GPS track shows about 4.7 miles and 1650 feet of ascent and descent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.