

Crimson Trail, 27 August, 2023

Twelve dedicated hikers: Mira, Ralph, Dave P, Jane, Dave W, Susan, Teresa, Deanna, Cameron, David, Laurel, Brent L (leader) enjoyed a clockwise hike of the Crimson Trail on Sunday morning.

We had the good fortune of being on the trail between the Saturday night and Sunday afternoon storms.  Hiking conditions were ideal with moderate temperatures, sunshine and a damp but firm trail...dust was not an issue today.

Dave W and Jane elected  to spend an hour pulling myrtle spurge near the trail while the rest of us continued down to Spring Hollow Campground, Group B campsite, where we stopped for lunch.

We enjoyed stimulating conversation, a few remaining wildflowers, mature grasses and expansive views down the canyon.

Trip Summary
  • 12 participants: Mira, Ralph, Dave P, Jane, Dave W, Susan, Teresa, Deanna, Cameron, David, Laurel, and Brent L (leader)
  • Drove 7 miles to Spring Hollow Campground
  • Started hiking at 8:20 on the Riverside Nature Trail toward Guinavah Campground, then returned to Spring Hollow via the Crimson Trail
  • Lunch at Spring Hollow Campground 1:30-12:00, back to cars at 12:05 (Dave W and Jane returned to the cars at 1:15)
  • Sunny skies, pleasant temperatures and calm winds
  • Hiked about 4.5 miles with about 1000 feet of elevation

Thanks to Brent L for the narrative and photos, Dave P, Susan and Jane for photos, and Ralph and Dave W for photos and GPS data.

The Riverside Nature Trail trailhead at Spring Hollow Campground

A moose carcass along the Riverside NT
Rocks occasionally fall from the outcropping here
A wet area on the Riverside NT  Cache Hikers on the Crimson Trail
View up Logan Canyon to Temple Peak
View across Logan Canyon to Beirdneau Peak

View down Logan Canyon toward Cache Valley
 View across Logan Canyon to the Wind Caves
Dewitt Springs, seen from the Crimson Trail, is a major source of Logan's drinking water
Several signs mark the way along the Riverside Nature Trail and Crimson Trail

Apple trees at the Spring Hollow Campground (a girls lodge was once located here)

Hoary aster

Fairybells (this is how fairybell flowers look in May)
Showy goldeneye

Rattlesnake plantain leaves (left) and flowers (right)

Reed Canary Grass

Myrtle spurge grows along the Crimson Trail despite more than 10 years of volunteer effort to eradicate it - this invasive plant has the potential to infest our local mountains like it has in the Salt Lake area

Snail shells are seen along the trail (these native snails emerge in rainy weather) A Garden Tiger Moth larva?

Our GPS track shows about 4.5 miles and 1000 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.