

Beirdneau Trail, 6 September, 2021

The Beirdneau Trail begins at the Preston Valley Trailhead about 2 miles from the mouth of Green Canyon, accessed by traveling east on 1800 North in Logan. Twelve hikers chose to hike to the ridge between Logan and Green Canyons for their Labor Day activity. A hike in early May had taken us to the same destination via the Wind Cave Way Trail in Logan Canyon.

Two wooden signs and a pole fence mark the trailhead, which has parking for 6-7 cars that can manage the last two rough miles of road. We left the trailhead about 8:45; hiking the mostly steady incline for 2.2 miles to the ridge. The cool morning temperatures, shady trail, and friendly conversation made for a pleasant day. We walked beneath maples and firs which occasionally opened to display views of Mt. Jardine and Green Canyon. Smoke from California wildfires made views a bit hazy. Though most wildflowers were past their peak, we got a few color splashes from showy goldeneyes, fleabane daisies, asters, and berries of Oregon grape and mountain ash.

Arriving at the ridge top we took a break on the logs in the shade and noted the trail junction; uphill to Beirdneau Peak, downhill to Logan Canyon via Wind Cave Way. Unfortunately, no signs provide this information. Although the yellow-moderate air pollution somewhat degraded the views we decided to walk the spur path to the west for a view of Cache Valley and Saddleback Mountain. Fields of dried arrowleaf balsamroot and mule ears rustled as we walked to the overlook, evidence of a gorgeous display earlier in the season. Three turkey vultures circled hopefully high overhead.

After a lunch break at the ridgetop trail junction, we headed back to the trailhead.  Wasps successfully annoyed us both at lunch and back at the cars, but fortunately no one was stung.  The trail had a few damaged areas from trail creep and holes, but was generally in good condition with few obstructions. The two new wilderness signs were noted with appreciation. Several other hikers and a few trail runners shared this fine fall hiking day with Cache Hikers.

Trip Summary:
  • Participants: Laurel, Susan, Dave P., April, Ralph, Brent, Jim, Dave W., Ophelia, Ludger, Young, and Jane (leader)
  • Drove 7 miles to the Preston Valley Trailhead in Green Canyon. Started hiking about 8:45 a.m. with lunch 11:30-12:00 and a return to the trailhead about 1:15 p.m.
  • Temperatures in the 60’s rising to 80’s. Moderately hazy skies and no wind.
  • Hiked 4.8 miles including the spur to the overlook and gained 1900 feet in elevation

Thanks to Jane for the narrative and photos, Ralph for photos and Dave W. for photos and GPS data.

The Preston Valley Trailhead, the beginning of the Beirdneau Trail
Volunteers recently placed signs where the trail crossed wilderness boundaries
These two trees grew together
Turkey vultures soared overhead
Nearby peaks were visible to the north and northeast from the high point of our hike (point 7510 on the topo map)
Logan Peak
Logan Peak was visible to the south
Looking east up Logan Canyon and US-89
Looking west over Cache Valley toward the Wellsville Mountains
Our shady lunch spot on the ridge
Mountain Ash
Showy Goldeneye
Good views from the high point of our hike
Our GPS track shows about  4.8 miles and 1900 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.